columns 3
A space B
space space space
D space C
space space space
E space F
space space space
H space G
space space space
I space J
space space space
L space K
A["1.Admission Process"] --> B["2.Thesis Supervisor Allocation"]
B --> C["3.Registration (Full-time/Part-time)"]
C --> D["4.Coursework and Thesis Registration (18 credits + 18 credits)"]
D --> E["5.Thesis proposal and BoE submission (after 12cr course completion)"]
E --> F["6.Approval of Thesis Proposal and BoE by BPGS"]
F --> G["7.Pre-defence Seminar Presentation"]
G --> H["8.Approval of Thesis Proposal and Board of Examiners by CASR"]
H --> I["9.Thesis Credit Completion (18 credits)"]
I --> J["10.Final Exam / Thesis Defence (in coordination with Board of Examiners and Controller of Exam)"]
J --> K["11.Final Thesis binding and submission to Faculty and Central Library"]
K --> L["12.Result Publication, Application for Testimonial and Certificates"]
%% Styling
classDef purple fill:#6A0DAD,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:white;
classDef blue fill:#0000FF,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:white;
classDef pink fill:#C71585,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:white;
classDef orange fill:#B36B00,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:white;
classDef red fill:#DC143C,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:white;
class A,B purple;
class C,D blue;
class E,F,G,H pink;
class I orange;
class J,K orange;
class L red;